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Indian Meal Moth

Our remedy for Indian meal moth control

First, contact us. Indian meal moths are often confused with clothes moths. Proper species identification is crucial to locating the source of a pantry pest infestation as well as prescribing a proper solution suitable for your unique environment.

Proper Sanitation and food storage is the key in preventing Indian meal moths.

  • All dry stored products need to be inspected, along with dried flowers, decorative items such as Indian corn and shadow boxes containing seeds, spices and even taxidermy.
  • Dog food and bird seed are oftentimes the culprits, as these large bags tend to be improperly closed and kept in garages and basements.
  • Anything in question should be discarded, as it could be contaminated and harmful if consumed.
  • Clean spilled grain and infested cabinet areas using a vacuum followed by soapy water or a mixture of hot water and household cleaner.
  • Wipe down all sides of shelves and walls.
  • Store all dried food goods in a glass, plastic zipped bags, or plastic containers with a tight lid to avoid further contamination and limit spreading if one food becomes infested.
  • Consider storing cereals and similar foods in the refrigerator to limit stored pantry pest problems.

The Indian meal moth and several other pantry pests are all covered under our most popular residential service, the Healthy Home Maintenance Program.

How to Identify a Indian Meal Moth


5/8-3/4″ long. Dark brown with four light multi-colored patches on its wings; the head extends into a long thin “beak”. Indian meal moth larvae appears as a yellow to milky white worm.


Indian meal moths are attracted to light and tend to become active around dusk. They make cocoons in wall corners and crevices, which are often mistaken for spiderwebs. The larvae look like small worms, they contaminate products they infest, and they’re capable of chewing through plastic and thin cardboard. Adults don’t live more than a week, but females are capable of laying 200 eggs at once, allowing infestations to get out of control quickly.


Indian Meal Moths feed on dried fruits, grains, cereal, seeds, nuts, chocolate, candy, dog food, baking ingredients, spices and other stored pantry or cupboard products.

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Is This Your Critter?

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. We can handle the identification and get you a solution to your problem quickly.

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Incredibly knowledgeable 

“The Rose representative was incredibly knowledgeable about our moth infestation. We had 2 types and they are so destructive. Two men attacked our situation in a serious fashion. They bombed rooms and put traps all around. Clean and fast. They were all over it. We would definitely use them again. Thx Rose.”

John M. | Homeowner in Chicago

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